Formula Student KPI

Formula Student is an international student engineering project in which students independently design and manufacture a race car in accordance with the requirements of the SAE International Regulations, as well as take part in international competitions. Read more in the website of the team –
City Electric Vehicle ZEUS
Modular camper CangUA
3D-Printer mod. MakerBot Replicator+
3D-Printer mod. Ultimaker Original+

3D-Printer mod. Ultimaker Original+ Hackable without limits, original DIY 3D printer kit gives you endless freedom to experiment and enjoy reliable, accurate and consistent results. Key specifications: Build volume, mm 210 x 210 x 205 Materials PLA, ABS, CPE Layer resolution 200 to 20 micron Build speed Up to 8…
Milling-Engraving CNC Machine Tool mod. STO CNC 6090

Milling-Engraving CNC Machine Tool mod. STO CNC 6090 This milling-engraving CNC machine tool, thanks to the convenient NcStudio control system, precise mechanical structure, high speed perfectly cope with 3D woodcarving tasks, making souvenirs, processing plastic, soft metal and other tasks. The design of the machine includes a cast-iron bed and…
Milling-Engraving CNC Machine Tool mod. FGS 3925

Milling-Engraving CNC Machine Tool mod. FGS 3925 Scope of application: manufacturing of outdoor advertising, processing of flat and bulk products performance engraving and jewelry instrumental production for the manufacture of matrices, forms and master-models Key Specification: Overall dimensions, L × B × H, mm 790 × 520 × 640 Working…